SupaPore TT
SupaPore TT microfiltration cartridges have been specifically designed for use in corrosive gases and liquid processing applications. A naturally highly hydrophobic PTFE membrane and fluoropolymer structure makes this the cartridge of choice where high resistance to aggressive fluids is required.
They are available in a range of absolute pore sizes:
- 0.05µm
- 0.10µm
- 0.20µm
- 0.45µm
- 1.0µm
Suitable for most sanitisation regimes including steaming, autoclaving, hot water flush and all common sanitising agents.
Contact us for further information or to discuss your filter application.
Product Features
- A naturally hydrophobic PTFE membrane
- FEP/PFA hardware
- Extremely low flush requirements in high purity applications
- Excellent chemical compatibility
- Low protein binding characteristics
- Materials meet the requirements of 21CFR Part 177 and current USP Plastics Class VI – 121ºC and ISO10993 equivalents
- Fully integrity testable by bubble point or diffusion flow test
- Operational temperature up to 150ºC
- All cartridges are thermally bonded and adhesive free. Each unit is pre flushed with ultra pure water and integrity tested before final assembly.
Features + Benefits
- Full Fluoropolymer construction results in a cartridge that withstands long term exposure to Ozonated water
- Validated*1 removal ratings for consistent and reliable performance
- Capable of high temperature operation for extended periods
- High chemical resistance to most solvents
- Very high resistance to most oxidising agents
- Resistance to virtually all acids and alkalies
- Full Product Validation Guide available
- *1 See product guides for further details stating test method and rated efficiencies